A Journey from Lalela Learner to Business and Arts South Africa Intern

January  22, 2024

Above: Rukaya Samuels joined the Lalela team as a Business and Arts South Africa (BASA) intern for the year.

A Journey from Lalela Learner to Business and Arts South Africa Intern

We are happy to announce that Rukaya Samuels (26) has officially joined the Lalela team as a Business and Arts South Africa (BASA) intern for the year. This marks a significant moment as Rukaya revisits Lalela, 13 years after initially immersing herself in the world of creativity in our after-school programme at Sentinel Primary in Hout Bay.

From Lalela Learner to BASA Intern:

Reflecting on those early days in the Lalela after school programme, Rukaya shares, “When I joined Lalela, I was looking for something to do after school and to keep busy. I really enjoyed being part of Lalela. I still remember the facilitators who were really awesome, and we always looked forward to the Lalela art sessions.”

Her artistic journey took root during these sessions. Rukaya recalls the encouragement from her primary school arts and culture teacher, Mrs. Mongwe, who recognised her unique artistic talent, saying, “You are going to be a very good artist one day.” Despite not initially seeing herself in that light, Rukaya’s artistic passion continued to grow.

Despite her academic talents, Rukaya found herself at a crossroads during her first year of high school. Pressured to follow a conventional professional route, she initially pursued physics and life sciences. However, she soon realized this path was not her calling and shifted to visual arts. After matriculating, she went on to complete Art and Design at the College of Cape Town.

The BASA Internship and Beyond:

Spotting the BASA internship advertisement last year, Rukaya seized the chance, and after being selected, she successfully completed a clothing production course as part of the first half of the internship opportunity. This immersive experience equipped her with skills in pattern making, industrial sewing, and fabric sourcing among others. Her internship at Lalela, running from this month until March, constitutes the second half of the BASA internship, which is work placement.

During her time with Lalela, Rukaya is eager to witness our facilitators in action and aims to share her skills with older learners. This includes imparting dyeing techniques, printmaking, and Lino cutting, empowering them to turn these skills into income-generating opportunities.

 As we extend a warm welcome to Rukaya back into the Lalela family, we look forward to the valuable contributions she will make and the inspiration she is sure to bring to our team.

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Your generosity makes it possible for Lalela’s educational arts programmes to create meaningful change that affects thousands of at-risk children in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Your generosity makes it possible for Lalela’s educational arts programmes to create meaningful change that affects thousands of at-risk children in Sub-Saharan Africa.



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