Art materials for Africa
June 30, 2023

Above: Our interns proudly unpacking the Dala paints, pencils, pastel crayons, and many other beautiful materials to be used by Lalela’s young artists across our programs.
One of South Africa’s best-known and -loved independent producers and suppliers of quality arts and crafts materials, Dala has walked alongside Lalela right from the start. We were delighted to catch up with Dala founder Kevin O’Sullivan and marketing manager Limpho Molomo to find out more about Dala and their passion for supporting educational arts among our youth…
Every South African schoolchild, crafter and artist is sure to have encountered Dala art products at some point in their creative journey. Locally produced and loved by beginners and professionals alike, Dala products are not only competitively priced, but also incredibly reliable.
We’ve been privileged to provide Lalela’s young artists with these same quality art materials over the years, thanks to Dala’s longstanding support.
During our chat with the team, we got to discover some fascinating information about this extraordinary business. Like the fact that Dala manufactures over six-million crayons per year. “Laid tip to tail, our crayons would colourfully circle the globe over and over again. Furthermore, we produce the equivalent of 80 fully grown African elephants in clay and dough per year,” Limpho told us!
Dala was founded in 1994 – a significant year in South Africa. Tell us more about your journey since then?
1994 marked a significant turning point in the history of South Africa with the advent of democracy. This pivotal year brought about a new era of hope, progress, and opportunities for our nation. Amidst this transformative period, Dala emerged, and in harmony with the spirit of change that swept across South Africa, we embarked on a journey of growth and benefited from the vibrant energy that appeared alongside our newfound political freedom.
As we look back on our journey, we are reminded of the remarkable strides made by South Africa as a democratic nation. The indomitable spirit that characterized this period has inspired us to continue evolving, adapting, and thriving within an ever-changing artistic landscape. Our commitment to providing high quality art materials remains steadfast, fuelling our aspirations for the future as we contribute to the ongoing narrative of South African art community.
Above: Painting in action by Lalela artists, using Dala materials.
Supporting the visual arts community has always been a driving force in your business, starting with the youth – what’s the importance of art and creativity as a fundamental in education?
We firmly believe in the pivotal role that art plays, not only in the development of individuals, but also in the broader educational spectrum.
By supporting the visual arts community, particularly among young individuals, our business recognizes the importance of art and creativity as fundamental pillars in education. We believe in empowering young minds with the art materials to express themselves, fostering critical thinking skills, promoting empathy, cultural understanding, and cultivating innovation.
Through our commitment to the visual arts, we strive to shape a brighter future that upholds the transformative power of artistic expression in education.
*Fun fact: our founder began his career as schoolteacher.
Above: Students in our after-school program at Zeitz MOCAA happily using Dala materials in their beautiful project inspired by the museum’s ‘When We See Us’ exhibition.
What has drawn Dala to align with Lalela specifically in terms of being a charity that you’ve supported over such a lengthy period?
Dala and Lalela both recognize the importance of the creative arts as a fundamental component of education that cannot be overstated. Art in education provides an inclusive environment where students can freely express themselves, transcending cultural, linguistic, and socio-economic barriers. It promotes empathy, cultural understanding, and tolerance through exposure to diverse forms of artistic expression. Creativity nurtured through art serves as a catalyst for innovation and adaptability. In an ever-evolving world, the ability to think creatively is vital for problem-solving and effectively addressing the challenges of the future.
We create the art materials and you (Lalela) have created a platform that enables young minds to immerse themselves in creative process.

Above: During the pandemic, we worked on our jubilant ‘Dala for Dala’ curriculum with learners across our programs, inspired by the beautiful art materials we use in our workshops.
Have there been any Lalela projects you’ve especially liked seeing, or any gratifying moments you might have witnessed in our program?
The Dala for Dala curriculum was one of our favourite projects; we were inspired by the incredible talent and self-expression displayed by the young artists. We also love to see the opportunities your learners have engaging with various organisations like Goodman Gallery and Zeitz MOCAA, and meeting and learning from acclaimed artists from South Africa and abroad.
Lastly, a message for our young artists?
Keep creating, because thinking out of the box and approaching challenges from unique angles will create innovative solutions that may otherwise remain undiscovered.
Dala what you must!
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Your generosity makes it possible for Lalela’s educational arts programmes to create meaningful change that affects thousands of at-risk children in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Your generosity makes it possible for Lalela’s educational arts programmes to create meaningful change that affects thousands of at-risk children in Sub-Saharan Africa.