Celebrating Human Rights Day
March 30, 2024

Above: Learners from our Bertha Retreat programme as well as young people from the surrounding communities participated in the Human Rights Day event jointly organised by Bertha Retreat and Lalela.
Human Rights Day, commemorated on March 21st annually in South Africa, serves as a poignant reminder of the struggles and sacrifices made in the pursuit of freedom and equality
Bertha Retreat Human Rights Day Event
There was a vibrant energy at Bertha Retreat on Human Rights Day with young people from the Lalela programme and the surrounding communities of the retreat attending the day’s festivities.
The event was a collaborative effort between Lalela and Bertha Retreat and it served as a platform to engage youth in discussions about human rights and the importance of voting.
At the heart of the event was understanding human rights and the responsibilities that come with them, as well as the right to vote given the upcoming national elections in May.
Throughout the day, young people actively participated in fun energizers and rich discussions facilitated by Lalela staff. Youth freely expressed themselves giving voice to their perspectives and insights on human rights and the transformative power of voting in shaping their futures.
In addition to the Lalela workshops, the day was packed with various activities such as soccer, netball, and live music that kept everyone entertained and engaged.
Above: A collection of images taken from the Human Rights Day Events in Jo’burg and the Western Cape.
Lalela Maboneng Human Rights Day Celebrations
Lalela Maboneng in Jo’burg was a key partner in the 6th edition of the four day long, Constitution Hill Human Rights Festival, hosting an art workshop for children where they created posters for the “We the People” March. The posters’ messages focused on the festival’s key themes, including GBV, LGBTQI rights, children’s rights, and migration, aiming to raise awareness.
The annual festival pays tribute to those who sacrificed their lives for freedom in South Africa, notably during the Sharpeville Massacre on March 21, 1960. The festival was a showcase of film, theatre, poetry, and other forms of entertainment and information for attendees.
Bonteheuwel Human Rights Day Event
Young people in our Bonteheuwel programme were treated to a talk about human rights by Gillian Grootboom, a skills development practitioner who is originally from Bontehuewel. Grootboom delivered to the young people an enlightening talk about human rights and the young people were encouraged to engage by asking questions.
In conclusion, Human Rights Day celebrations at Bertha Retreat and Lalela Maboneng, as well as the insightful discussions at the Bonteheuwel event, stand as testament to the enduring importance of human rights and civic engagement in our society.
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Your generosity makes it possible for Lalela’s educational arts programmes to create meaningful change that affects thousands of at-risk children in Sub-Saharan Africa.