Lalela’s New Project in Limpopo

May  31, 2024

Above: From left to right: Lalela alumni Makhadzi and Mbali and together at the 2024 fundraiser for Lalela.

Lalela is happy to announce a new project in Limpopo province, inspired by Makhadzi Livhadi, a Lalela alumnus who hails from this region. Makhadzi, currently pursuing a degree in Industrial and Organisational Psychology with a focus on Labour Relations Management at North West University in Potchefstroom, took the initiative to establish Lalela’s programme at her former high school in Limpopo.

A Vision Born from Experience

Growing up in Limpopo, Makhadzi faced numerous challenges. “Success was narrowly defined as merely passing Grade 12,” she recalls. “If it weren’t for my family, I wouldn’t have known about different career paths. In my community, associating with individuals involved in drug use was considered ‘cool,’ and if you didn’t become a parent by 16, you were labelled infertile.”

Despite these obstacles, Makhadzi’s determination to live her life differently to what she was exposed to, set her apart. She credits her school and Lalela for shaping her character and motivating her to be the best version of herself.

Lalela’s Impact

Makhadzi joined Lalela in Grade 7 in 2017, because she says was curious about the talented learners who were part of the programme. “I yearned to understand what set them apart, and now I am a living testament to the positive impact of Lalela,” she explained.

Makhadzi said that through Lalela, she learned to bring creativity into everything she does and to think outside the box.

“Lalela holds a special place in my heart. I’ve always translated its name to ‘Thetshelesani,’ meaning ‘listen.’ Through attentive listening, one gains a wealth of knowledge. Lalela is more than an organisation to me—it is my home.”

Having lost both her parents at a young age, Lalela was a safe space for Makhadzi. And she found parental figures in Lalela facilitators Portia and Vika, who she said encouraged and supported her when she attended the Maboneng Lalela programme in Jo’burg.

“They always had my back, and for that, I will forever be grateful to Lalela for shaping me into the person I am today,” Makhadzi said.

Bringing Lalela to Limpopo

Determined to give back, Makhadzi wrote a compelling letter to Lalela’s Executive Director Firdous Hendricks advocating for a Lalela project in her former high school. This led to a recent visit by Lalela’s Maboneng Jo’burg programme manager, Vika Mjoka, along with Makhadzi, to set up the new project at her former high school.

“I met with the school principal and his staff to allocate the resources and infrastructure for the programme,” Vika explained. “We established the space for the classes and prepared them to use the curriculum, following the Lalela methodology. I showed them how to facilitate a Lalela session using the I Am methodology.”

A Message of Hope

Makhadzi’s message to the youth is clear: “Never allow anyone to stop you from achieving your dreams. You are the master of your destiny, so dare to dream big, for life’s journey extends far beyond your current circumstances.”

At Lalela we are excited to see the positive changes this new project in Limpopo will bring to the community.

Support Lalela’s new project in Limpopo and help us transform the lives of young learners by making a donation today!

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Your generosity makes it possible for Lalela’s educational arts programmes to create meaningful change that affects thousands of at-risk children in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Your generosity makes it possible for Lalela’s educational arts programmes to create meaningful change that affects thousands of at-risk children in Sub-Saharan Africa.



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