WHO paints with Lalela artists at Philippi Village
February 14, 2022

Above: Young artists in Lalela’s after-school programme at Philippi Village take a break from painting their interactive panels
Lalela’s Philippi Village programme was honoured to welcome an esteemed group of visitors over the weekend of 12 February, including World Health Organisation (WHO) Director-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and Belgium’s Minister of Development Cooperation, Meryame Kitir.
The delegation was on a high-level visit to Cape Town for two days to visit the mRNA vaccine technology transfer hub and other facilities playing critical roles in the response to Covid-19 and the protection of public health. One of the locations selected was Philippi Village, where Lalela has been hosting after-school educational arts workshops for children from the surrounding communities since 2020.
Lalela’s team of enthusiastic painters were in turn warmly greeted by the VIPs, who mingled with the children and made their mark on two interactive artworks presented by our programme for the visit.
Above: Lalela artists at work. Right: Lalela Senior Programme Manager Firdous Hendricks with one of the learners.
One of several activations taking place at Philippi Village on the day, in which the delegation were introduced to all the projects on site as well as its responses to this public health issue, Lalela’s project entailed answering two questions, namely, ‘How have you been affected by Covid-19?’ and ‘What are your hopes for a post-pandemic world?’
Dr Ghebreyesus was particularly taken by some of the answers that he read, especially a message from one Lalela learner that proclaimed that they hoped “people will be kinder to each other”. We couldn’t agree more!
A huge thank you to the Philippi Village team.
Below: Lalela artists, team members and members of the delegation. In the centre (wearing pink dress), Belgium’s Minister of Development Cooperation, Meryame Kitir, chats to the learners. Far right: World Health Organisation (WHO) Director-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, reads some of the messages on the interactive artwork.
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Your generosity makes it possible for Lalela’s educational arts programmes to create meaningful change that affects thousands of at-risk children in Sub-Saharan Africa.